UPDATE: Steve Douglass, the "St" in"Still", has got in touch to say that he remembers starting riding over there in 1997/98, and the first DH tracks were built soon afterwards by riders taking inspiration from the KIS BSX races. We've updated our presentation to include this info. Box from Bad Ass Bikes says he remembers riding over there even earlier, around 1992! The oldest photos we've seen of the tracks are from 2002, but there must be some older ones out there - apparently MBUK did an article which featured the place back in 2000.
If you have any photos or info that can help us show the history of the site, please get in touch.

2001 - 2002 The site starts being used for mountain biking unofficially. At first the site is used for XC riding, then two riders, Steve and Phil, begin making adding features to the routes and eventually purpose-built tracks for more advanced riding are created.
2004 - 2005 In response to concerns over safety, litter and uncontrolled building at the site, members of the University Mountain Bike Club and local riders begin liaising with George Griffith, the University Estates Manager, and Long Ashton Parish Council. A Code of Conduct is agreed for users of the site, there are organised build days and litter picks, and the University club receives a sports development grant from Deloitte which enables tools to be purchased and some of the track to be surfaced.
2006 - 2009 The trail network continues to expand, but the lines of communication between the riders and the University are broken, due to key individuals finishing their education and moving away from the City and personnel changes at the University. Problems with litter and user conflict increase. On 30 October 2009 it is reported that notices have been placed at the site saying that mountain biking will cease. Four days later, all the existing trails are demolished.